I just read an interesting interview with the very beautiful, and much objectified, Raquel Welch. She’s saying that our society is too obsessed with sex, and that porn is to blame. She says: ” I think we’ve gotten to the point in our culture where we’re all sex addicts, literally.”

You can read it at: http://www.menshealth.com/best-life/raquel-welch/page/3#ixzz1pCvrnYsZ

I think the obsession with sex in society is so bad now, that more people will start to speak out about it. For many people it’s almost as if all they have in their life is sex, lust and being desired. It’s an empty life.

Real love is so much better. It doesn’t depend on how attractive you are, or how much ‘expertise’ you have. It doesn’t depend on whether you’re in good mood that morning or if you’ve got enough energy.

The sad thing is that ‘love’ in our culture is a term that’s usually used for lust – the excitement of romance and the thrill of the chase. That’s no substitute for the real thing, either.

The real thing is available to us from God, and it’s so vastly superior to the counterfeit forms of romance and sex. Why don’t we choose to accept it?